Throughout the world, but in particular the west, online dating is very common. In fact, according to, over 17 percent or one in six marriages start online. also reports that statistically, marriages which began online are less likely to end within one year and that couples who met online report greater satisfaction with their marriage than other couples.

With online dating so popular, and a sizeable portion of men unsatisfied with the choice of women in feminized Western countries, its only natural that many thousands of men have begun to look for Russian women online for love?

Why Russian women?

Well, for one, with genetic traits similar to their Scandinavian sisters, the women of Russia have had a reputation for many years as being among the most beautiful women in the world.

Another reason is education. Western men don’t object to women being lawyers, doctors, scientists and the like. What they don’t like is the attendant spoiled attitude of women in the West with such accomplishments. Russian women tend to be very skilled and highly educated, yet they retain old world values where they generally appreciate men being the stronger sex.

A third reason is the lack of suitable men within Russia. While Western men are busy skiing, going to the gym and running 5K races, Russian men are busy drinking vodka and smoking cigarettes. Women typically live to be 76 years of age, while the life expectancy of men is 59 years. And even those who are not drinking themselves to a grave with a bottle, many of them are severely under or unemployed.

The final reason for women is a renewed opportunity. Under the old Soviet system, it was extremely rare for a Russian woman to travel to the West or to meet a foreigner. Now, many Russian women have traveled to the United States or Canada, and even more so to Germany, the UK, France, and the other Western European countries.

And what advantages Russian women see by meeting men online?

The first is stability. It’s actually a big deal for a woman from Russia to consider meeting a foreigner online. If the romance blossoms into love, she must give up practically every she owns, in most case, learn a new language, and undergo many cultural shocks to move with her future husband. So in this case, stability doesn’t mean financial riches. Russian women don’t expect a prince with a white horse. But in a country in which the basics such as rent and food can go up 20 percent overnight due to political whim, they do seek stability.

Also, Russian women firmly believe in love, and in their country, a woman who has reached her late 20’s unmarried, is considered an old maid.

So, can men find suitable mates seeking Russian women online? According to a Canadian dating agency, the US Immigration Service reports that over 80% of marriages facilitated online, last over the years. So you be the judge.

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